Will USB A eventually become obsolete?

Should we be switching from USB A to the faster USB C in our campervans?

USB A is the type we’re all familiar with and refer to as a USB plug. (Check all the different types of USB plugs here if you’re not sure)

But new kid on the block USB-C is faster, smaller and is appearing more and more as the norm for connections and charging cables.

So should we rip out all of our sockets and reinstall USB-C instead now?

So what’s the difference between USB A and USB C?

USB A is the older and more traditional type of USB connector that you may be familiar with. It is a rectangular-shaped connector with a white or blue central part on the plug.

USB C, on the other hand, is a newer and more advanced type of USB connector. It is a smaller, oval-shaped connector that is reversible, meaning you can plug it in either way up.

This makes it much more convenient than the USB A connector, which only plugs in one way.

USB C is also capable of faster data transfer speeds and can carry more power than USB A, which makes it ideal for newer devices like smartphones and laptops.

Difference in speeds

USB-C tends to be twice as fast as USB-A.

Generally, USB C supports faster data transfer speeds than USB A. USB 3.1 and USB 3.2, which are the most common USB versions that use USB C connectors, support data transfer speeds of up to 10 Gbps (gigabits per second).

In comparison, the most common USB version that uses USB A connectors, which is USB 3.0, supports data transfer speeds of up to 5 Gbps.

Switching your van build to USB-C options

New USB-C sockets

Dual sockets, just like the one below, are already available to be installed into your campervan, giving you the best of both worlds.

Should we be switching from USB A to the faster USB C in our campervans?Should we be switching from USB A to the faster USB C in our campervans?

Adapters and Cables

With almost 50% of new phones produced in 2021 coming from the factory with USB-C ports for charging, we can expect to see an increase in the use of USB-c in the future.

However, if you’re happy waiting a little longer for charging, then you can still use your USB-a sockets to charge your USB-c devices. It’s just going to take a little longer.

Adapters are available that have a USB-c port (female) and plug into a USB-a socket (male) just like this one;

Should we be switching from USB A to the faster USB C in our campervans?Should we be switching from USB A to the faster USB C in our campervans?

(Click on the photo to check the latest price at Amazon today)

What about solar power generators?

Yes, some of the new portable solar generators do have USB-C sockets. USB-C is becoming increasingly popular for charging and data transfer due to its versatility and faster transfer speeds. As a result, many portable solar generators now include USB-C ports as well as traditional USB-A ports to accommodate a wide range of devices.

Some popular portable solar generators with USB-C ports include the Goal Zero Yeti 200X, the Jackery Explorer 1000, and the EcoFlow River Max. However, it’s always a good idea to check the specifications of the specific model you are interested in to ensure that it includes the ports you need.

What about petrol generators?

While there may be some specialized or modified petrol generators with USB-C sockets, it is not common to find petrol generators that include USB-C ports as a standard feature.

Most petrol generators are designed to provide power through traditional electrical outlets, and they may also include USB-A ports or other types of charging ports for smaller devices.

That being said, it is always worth checking the specifications of a specific model if you are looking for a petrol generator with USB-C ports.

Some manufacturers may offer models with this feature as an optional add-on or as part of a specialized configuration. However, it’s important to note that petrol generators can be noisy, produce emissions, and require regular maintenance, so it’s important to consider your needs and priorities before making a purchase.

So is USB A going to become obsolete?

Well, no, not anytime soon anyway. Despite USB C becoming more commonplace, people are creatures of habit and like sticking to what they know.

It is possible that USB-A will eventually become obsolete as newer and more advanced technologies emerge. However, USB-A is still widely used today and remains a popular interface for connecting various devices to computers and other electronic devices.

USB-A has been the standard interface for many years, but with the advent of newer USB interfaces such as USB-C, which offer faster data transfer speeds and improved power delivery, there is a growing shift towards USB-C in many devices.

However, it is worth noting that USB-A is still supported by most modern computers and devices, and it will likely take some time before USB-A is completely phased out.

Ultimately, the obsolescence of USB-A will depend on the pace of technological advancements and the market demand for newer and more advanced interfaces.


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